Musings of an almost college grad

Monday, December 27, 2010

Miscellany Monday 2!

I didn't intend to only post on Mondays...but I just forget, and before I know it, it's Monday!

1.  Watching Across the Universe with the parentals....I'm pretty sure that I've just verified that this movie really is about the music and not really the plot.  So you could just get the soundtrack instead of watching it.  Just a suggestion.

2.  Christmas!  It was fabulous.  My grandparents gave me a beautiful set of red luggage (among other things) that I am so excited to use on my trip to Ireland.  My parents got my a Nook!!!  I have joined everyone else and am now the proud owner of an e-reader.  If you have any book suggestions, I definitely want to hear them.  I'm a big reader, and am always looking for new things to read.

3.  My roommate and I are having a little New Years soiree this year.  I have never hosted a New Year's Eve party, and we have never had a party at our hopefully it all works out.  We didn't invite a ton of people, and are hoping it's just classy and fun.  I've never really had a great New Year's before, and I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much, but it's hard, ya know?

4.  It has been a lot of fun being with my family this week.  Playing games, doing puzzles (ok, that part has been hard, not exactly the funnest), and eating a ton of good food.  It really makes me question if I want to move away in a handful of years.  Do I want to have to fly to come back on holidays?  Oh well, I suppose I have a while to think about these things.  

Hopefully I'll post again before next Monday!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Miscellany Monday

What a fun thing to do on my second blog entry!

1. I have such a crazy schedule this week.  Work Monday and Tuesday mornings, home to see my family after that, back in Manhattan for work Wednesday night, and back home Thursday for ridiculous amounts of Christmas festivities.  I'm just praying that I can find time to enjoy everything, and not get too worked up over my schedule.

2. I love Netflix.  If you don't have it, you really should. I'm on a "How I Met Your Mother" kick right now, and LOVE LOVE LOVE getting the new DVDs in the mail.  And I'm watching the new "Alice in Wonderland" movie on my computer as we speak (I haven't seen it before...I'll let you know what I think next time).  And no late fees is fab for me, because I'm pretty sure Blockbuster won't let me come back from the ridiculous amount of fees I've acquired :)

3. I have completed all of my Christmas shopping except for one person:  My 5 year old nephew.  I've plenty of vague ideas roaming around in my head:  Transformers, Bakugans, Iron Man, Legos, How to Train Your Dragon....but no concrete ideas.  I believe a trip to the toy store is in my future....

4. It is very refreshing to only have one semester of school left.  It's like there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel.  I'm also very aware that I will be on my own very soon.  Five short months and my life will be take the biggest turn it has made yet.  I'm oddly unemotional about this idea.  Not necessarily scared, or anxious, or excited.  I'm not quite ready for it to happen, but feel like in five months I will be.  This is a very refreshing state of mind for me, because I have always struggled with complacency.  

5.  I get to see my adorable little nephew tomorrow for the first time since around Thanksgiving.  It seems like a month isn't too long, but when they are only 3 months old, a lot can change!  I just can't wait for Colty-Megan bedtime bonding.  I just love love LOVE holding that little guy.  

That's it for now, so thanks for stopping by, and the more you comment, the sooner I'll repost! 

Monday, December 13, 2010

It begins!

The beginning...introduction...commencement...launch...kickoff...

That's right, kids, I have reentered the blogging world.  I say reentered, of course, because I am no stranger to a blog.  Back in my high school days I had quite the incredible xanga.  I was never any good at posting on it though.  But I'm older, wiser, and taller now (but I still haven't met my lifelong goal of being taller than my sister Jessica.  She beats me by a half inch!) So with those things going for me, surely I will be able to reach my goal of posting three times a week.  It seems simple enough, right?

So get ready, folks!  (Or Jessica and only two followers) Megan is back in the blog world!!!