Musings of an almost college grad

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


So my beautiful sister tagged me, so here are my 10 things you may not know about me!

1.  You know how we all have crazy dreams of what we want to be when we grow up?  Well when I was little, it was ice skater.  The funny thing about this is that I have NEVER in my life gone ice skating.  Not once.  Luckily this changed to photographer when I was in sixth grade, stay-at-home mom for a minute in junior high, teacher for a year in high school, child psychologist my freshman year of college, audiologist my sophomore year, and finally I'm now stuck on anything involving underprivileged or disabled kids.  Wow how our lives change...

2.  I secretly (or maybe not so secretly) want to have a vlog.  I think it would be SO COOL to have a youtube account and make videos every day and such.  The reason I haven't is because I have no idea what I would say on it that people would want to listen to haha

3.  I love baking.  I don't, however, love going to the grocery store.  Partially that's because it's so expensive, and partially because it takes so much time to do.  However, if I had lots of time, and someone to do the grocery buying or clean-up for me, I would bake all the time.

4.  I am very quick to trust people.  I also give second...and third...and fourth chances.  I want to believe that people change and are genuinely good.  This isn't always the case...but I still have faith in people.  I consider this both a good and bad thing about myself.

5.  Growing up, our family rarely went out to eat.  So on those special occasions (like mother's day and father's day, or whenever I completed a piano book haha) when we got to go out to eat it was really special.  Especially whenever I was out doing something with mom or dad and we would end up going somewhere for dinner.  This is something I want to do with my kids someday too.

6.  I do not like scary movies.  I love action movies, and I can handle suspense...but I just do not like scary movies.  I will watch them if someone I'm with realllllly wants to, but really I just prefer not to.

7.  The more I work with kids, the more aware I am of how blessed my life has been, thanks to my family.

8.  To mimic one of Jessica's...I think everyone deserves a sister!  We didn't get along too well until I was a teenager, but I can't imagine how different my life would be without her.  She is to this day one of my very best friends.  So when I have kids, I desperately want to have two daughters (maybe more...we'll see!!) just so they can be each other's best friend someday :)

9.  I wish I hadn't given up playing the flute after sixth grade.  I actually liked it, but quit because I didn't like my band teacher.  I stuck with the piano for years, but still wish that I knew how to play more instruments.

10.  Fear prohibits me from doing things in life, so I'm attempting to be a more bold person.  And my first decision as a new, bold person?'ll have to wait and see about that one ;)